Explore Source References 570 Results


Peer-reviewed scientific article

Hydrobiological studies of the Great Berg River, Western Cape Province. Part 3. The chironomidae.

Source : Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa Vol 35. Part 3: pp.277-298.

1958 K.M.F. Scott

Peer-reviewed scientific article

A field evaluation of Bacillus thuringensis var israelensis as a biological control agent for Simulium chutteri (Diptera: Nematocera) in the middle Orange River.

Source : Journal of Veterinary Research 53: 43-50

1986 Ferdinand de Moor & M. Car

Peer-reviewed scientific article

The effects of sulphuric acid pollution on the biology of streams in the Transvaal, South Africa.

Source : Verh. Internat. Ver. Limnol 23: 603-610.


Peer-reviewed scientific article

The invertebrate fauna and biotic index value of water quality of the Great Berg River, Western Cape.

Source : Journal of the Limnological Society of Southern Africa 4(1): 1-7.

1978 A.H. Coetzer

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Abundance, biomass and diversity of benthic macro-invertebrates in a western Cape river, South Africa.

Source : Transactions of the Royal Society of Southern Africa. 45: 11-33

1983 J King

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Freshwater fishes of Tsitsikamma National Park

Source : Koedoe

2002 IA Russell

Published book, report or thesis

An Assessment of the Effects of Habitat Degradation and Exotic Fish Species Invasions on the Distribution of Three Endemic Cyprinids

Source : DWAF Report No. PB E000-00-1302

2002 Bruce Paxton, B.M. Clark & CJ Brown

Published book, report or thesis

The Distribution and Population Status of Cape Whitefish, Barbus andrewi in the Upper Hex River, Worcester and the Associated Impact of Smallmouth Bass, Micropterus dolomieui

Source : Honours Thesis, University of Cape Town, South Africa

2002 Dave Christie


Department of Water and Sanitation Regional Fish Database, 2016

Source : Department of Water and Sanitation Regional Fish Database

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Peer-reviewed scientific article

Resilience of imperilled headwater stream fish to an unpredictable high-magnitude flood

Source : Koedoe

2015 Bruce Ellender & OLF Weyl

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Short and long-term strategies to facilitate aerial exposure in a galaxiid

Source : Journal of Fish Biology

2014 K Magellan, S. Pinchuck & Ernst Swartz

All issues are public and available through Github